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  • Immagine del redattoreLemonJulce


"Tensioni Emotive" is a project born from the collaboration with the photographer Giulio Romolo Milito.

The project is divided in two different ideas of human behaviour related to man's social instinct.

The first one is "The hedgehog's Dilemma", starting from the philosophical theory of Shopenauer, that analyse the difficulty of people to open themselves to other people I realise a body with a lot of plastic quills, man in a social animal and so we need to have relationship with other people to be happy. But are we so braves to risk to be wounded? to risk to be judge bad by other people?

The second one is called "Fil rouge", starting from the ancient cinese' myth of the red thread of destiny I realised a mask made of red threads that represents the people we are destined to meet in life and with whom we are forced to have relationships.

At the and of the video you can see the protagonist ties a girl, this gesture wants to focus on the fact that sometimes relationships are healthy, sometimes at the contrary they force you to stay in an uncomfortable position and don't allow you to move freely as you would like.

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