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Body Experimentation n. 1

Giulia Zorzella Designer

We are flesh, skin, fat .. we are life and blood ..

Every part of us belongs to us and belongs at the same time to the world around us ... every day we look at each other and see each other clearly, reflected in the mirror of our house.

But just change the way you see, filter, to understand that we are much more complex than that, we are made of points of light and shadows, so the scanner, as a means of communication can allow us to see that we can be well defined in the eyes of the beholder, but also elusive, impalpable, impregnable, confused, blurred, just hinted, our body can be crushed, deformed ..

Looking at a body in motion through a scanner is like seeing the soul that lives in it, with all its light, but also all its darkness.

Floating images in space, which fascinate for their inability to be understood to the end .. whose hands are those? Whose face is that? Pieces of body that lead to many questions, to inventing answers, stories, lives, people, which we will probably never know.

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