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  • Immagine del redattoreLemonJulce


A project in collaboration with Antonio Zuiani.

Insta: Tuner91


The temple is the place of interior research, from the outside we recognise its compactness, its presence majestically full of history. We understand it’s like a monolite, like a safe landing place of our life.

If we go near everything change, we have a fragmented vision of the temple as we do with spirituality, it’s a sequence of impalpable spaces, a sequence of suspended fabrics that we need to interact with, a labirinth in which a right direction doesn’t exist.

There are many directions as the number of the belivers, there are so many blocks as inside our mind. The fabric elements, floating and light moltitude, move in the wind, like the belivers at the mercy of the life change, the light pass through the surfaces.. and suddently it reveals the direction of the comprension, it creates incredible contrast of shadows and maintains the inside space ltered from the outside space.

To arrive at the throbbing heart of OSMOSIS, we have to move the clothes that we meet, we have to peel them, is not enough change our direction, it is necessary have a confront with the uncertainty of the future, we have to touch the roughness of these huge textiles to understand our story.

Every single textile, the mark of the citizens, could be created at the image and likeness of a beliver. The floating elements that we meet during our path are stories woven into pieces of fabric.

The path that the believer need to do, it‘s a lonely path but at the same time collective, because you can live the story of the other people inside the community. The temple is not a simple space, an empty shell of past stories, but it becames a collec- tion of experiences of people that belive and pass on their beliefs..

and is not on these beliefs that every religion is founded? Is not the temple made of people.. more than walls?

The citizens can nd rest inside this space/not space, where each one can be free to continue to the center of the structure or to create a private space, moving textiles, in which they can lean, spend a moment of the day, and build a little world hidden to the other people eyes..

The temple is the place in which you search the balance of yourself and meanwhile it is possible to alienate yourself from the outside world, where to experience a deeper level of consciousness.

It’ s the place in which you can achieve a new perspective of light and space, precisely when you are in the center and you look up to the sky, in that moment you can perceive the presence of god.

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